
                                      Cinepop Mobile App


My role for this project was to take an entrepreneur's idea and create an MVP. I was responsible for the research, conceptualizing, UI/UX, and continuous user testing. 


The greatest challenge for this project was the limited resources and defining where the product could go. Trying to be as resourceful as possible I utilized Craigslist to solicit strangers to interview, define features and user test concepts to create this initial MVP.


Minimal Viable Product

Partnering with an ambitious team of entrepreneurs we created an MVP of a product that would enable theaters to fill seats on slow days. 

I led the UI/UX design and discovery that would end up being the MVP of the product. While the team eventually pivoted to another business model we were able to partner with theaters nationwide and give theater deals to thousands of movie goers within 6 months. 


Selected Wireframes

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Screenshot Showcase

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"Michael has an incredible, in memory, encyclopedia of UI/UX examples that he draws on to inspire his work. Combine that with his raw talent and he's a superstar in design. He's also a pleasure to work with."

David Howard
Director of Product Management

“Michael is a highly talented designer with a lot of character qualities (namely creativity, dependability, diligence, flexibility, patience and punctuality) that make him an extremely valuable team member...”

Jeremiah J. Jacks
CEO of Digital Brand Group

"Michael's knowledge of UI/UX standards and knack for making things better is what I enjoy most while working together, he truly is a professional. One other great talent of his would be his ability to quickly understand new project requirements and translate them into functional wireframes that pinpoint the technical requirements for each project."

Thomas Stephens
Product Manager